Bracelet decorated with vintage photos

Photos of your pets on the bracelet!

Material and tools:

FIMOair light, Foto Transfer Potch, Foto Transfer varnish, a rubber band black or white, printed photos (black/white), magnetic beads.


1 Roll FIMOair light, about 5 mm thick. Cut out 6 squares, 2 x 2 cm.

2 Cut little holes when the modelling clay starts to harden. You can use a needle or even better place the cubes on two wires, the thickness of the needle. Leave it to dry 24 hours.

3 After drying do the edges and irregularities with fine sandpaper.

4 Copy old black and white photos or pictures from the newspaper.

5 Coat the cube with Foto Transfer Potch.

6 Use a silicon brush to spread Foto Transfer Potch onto the face of the photocopy and then press it onto the cube (pay attention to the little holes). Leave it to dry. You can use a hair dryer to speed the process.

7 Wet the back side and with your finger or a piece of cloth rub it gently, thus the photo will be left on the cube and the extra paper layer removed.

8 Finish with a coat of polish for protection and shine.

9 Thread a rubber band through the needle. Thread the band through the cube placing a magnetic bead in between. Tie the ends into knots, pull the knots inside the cube so they are not visible (or tuck them in the cube).

Made by: Višnja Skorin